Monday, October 24, 2011

Super fun weekend!

Oh boy was it cold last week.  I had to wear my warm polar bear coat before I could go for my morning car ride to school. 

Thankfully it got a lot warmer this weekend :-)  I sure had a lot of fun with Mommy & Daddy!  First, Daddy and I hung out in our bath robes Saturday morning, then we all went shopping at the mall and later had dinner with some of Daddy's work friends.  Don't worry, we put real clothes on before we left the house, see: 
They picked a pretty cool restaurant - I guess it's really a factory that makes cheesecake, but I didn't get any :-(  There were two older kids there who were really nice - I showed them how I giggle when they told me jokes!

Sunday morning we went to the Farmers Market at the park, but I was sleeping for most of the walk.  Mommy and Daddy got some weird foods that made the kitchen smell when they cooked them later in the afternoon.  The best part of Sunday is that I got a new toy!! OH BOY OH BOY!!  I can sit in it and jump and bounce and jump and bounce and jump and.. well you get it right?  It makes sounds and plays songs too!  I tried it out for almost 20 minutes!  It is AWESOME!!!

Me and Mommy inspecting the finished product!

Alpha testing the goods.  It passed!

Successful Beta testing means we get to keep it :-) WOOT!!!

This post is brought to you by the number 1 - cuz Mommy & Daddy are #1 in my book!  Yay!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm 4 months old!

Can you believe it - I'm four months old today!  I'm not really sure if that's a whole lot yet because all my friends are still older than me, I think;  I don't seem to be catching up to them.  But, apparently 4 months means I get to learn how to eat with a spoon.  We started on Saturday night, it's really hard! 

Yesterday Dad was reading me a book by some doctor about a guy who didn't like green food.  I haven't had any green food myself, but Mommy says I might get to try some soon.

Can you tell I like to eat?  This whole post is about food so far!  Anyway, after Daddy started that story, I realized that every good story starts at the beginning.  So here's a couple pictures from when my story began about a year ago.

Mommy 17 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound picture of me at about 20 weeks :-)

Mommy & Daddy moved a bunch of stuff around the house so I could have my own room!  They even painted it yellow.  Papa & Mamaw Ciontea got me my own bed and Poppy Paw & Mamaw Fountain made me a cool dresser.

OK, I'm pretty tired.  Off to bed for me - I'll continue my story soon!
This post is brought to you the number 4 :-)

Monday, October 10, 2011

My 1st blog!

So exactly three years ago Mommy and Daddy got married and therefore today is such a special day, that they both stayed home from work in order to take me to the doctor this afternoon.  I'm not sure if that makes any sense to me, but I'm happy to play with them all day long!  Then again, I'm kind of tired from the long car ride yesterday.  We went to Indianapolis to visit Poppy Paw and Mamaw and go to the zoo on Saturday!  The big kitties, baby elephant, and hopping penguins were my favorites!  It was too hot for Daddy to carry his camera, so we don't have any pictures from the zoo, but I did take one of Mommy & Daddy all dressed up for dinner.

Once I figure out this whole blogging thing with Mommy & Daddy, we'll have more posts and pictures soon!  Don't forget to root for my favorite baseball team tonight - Go Brewers!

This post brought by the number 3 !